Yesterday Sylvia and I went to my cousin Josh's wedding. It was unique and wonderful, just like the couple. Sylvia was pretty well behaved during the ceremony. She did throw one of her toys at the people in the pew in front of us in the middle of it, but that didn't cause to big of a commotion! The reception was fun, but Sylvia was pretty tired by the end. Allen didn't get to go to the wedding because this weekend was a forced overtime weekend. The money will be nice, but we sure have missed him this weekend. I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband who works so hard to take care of his family.
Tomorrow is Sylvia's nine month check up at the doctor's office! We can't wait to see where she is at on all the growth charts. It's been three months since our last check up, so it will be good to make sure she is on track with everything.
Sylvia's wonderful sleep patterns continue. She did get up at 2:00 a.m. last night and stayed up for about half an hour, but then she slept til 9:30! I moved her bedtime back half an hour tonight. It's such a wonderful change from the months before! Allen and I both feel like we've won the lottery every night she sleeps without issue and doesn't get up at 5:00 a.m.! :)
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