Well, the dr said that Sylvia's perfect and that she had a mega growth spurt which we already knew! At six months she was in the 25% weight wise and in the 50% height wise. Three months later, she is in the 75% weight wise and get this...the 88% height wise! Also her head circumference is in the 75%. (Big brain, yay! :) ) We asked the doctor if this meant Sylvia was overweight, and he said no. That her height and weight are proportionate to each other and that she is healthy as can be. She weighs 20 lbs and 3 oz. She is 28 3/4 inches long! She is a tall girl! So smart too! Today she was looking at her farm book at the horses page. I said to her, "Sylvia, what do the horsies say? They say neigh neigh neigh." And to Allen and my surprise, she repeated back to me "Neigh, neigh, neigh!" It was so stinkin cute! She is so stinkin cute! Today she and I went to Q-town with Michelle and baby Cohen. We all four ate at Ruby Tuesdays' together and then we sent to TJ Max where I bought Sylvia a dress to wear to the wedding next weekend for $3. It was a great deal! Sylvia and Cohen had fun sitting in the shopping carts.
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