January....???? Can some one complete this rhyme? No? Of course not! It makes no sense! 65 degrees and pouring rain w/ thunder...on December 31,2010. Just wanted to make sure I blogged it so that when I read my blogs next year I will remember this crazy day in December.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Coming soon.....I promise...
A new blog is on it's way, I promise. And it will be filled with holiday pics and fun stuff...:) .
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 9, 2010
So, again, haven't been keeping up with the blog....hope you all haven't forgotten about it. LOL! Lot's of things going on between, work, family, friends, and church. All of it's wonderful! Well, minus the whole work thing.....LESS THAN ONE MONTH UNTIL ALLEN CAN START BIDDING OUT OF HIS ROOM! :) Yay! So in just a few months he might be sleeping like a normal person again!
I just can't believe that it's Christmas time again. Honestly I feel like Christmas was just a few months ago! A whole year has passed by in the blink of an eye! And I'm going to be 26! AHHH! I'm so excited to give everyone their gifts. I love getting presents, but I love to give them too! We picked out some good ones this year too! :)
I just want to take a moment to mention how incredibly grateful I am this year. I know we just had Thanksgiving, which is the time to reflect on what we are thankful for, but Christmas seems to be the holiday that almost puts me on my knees in gratefullness. We are soooo blessed. Our family, our friends, our jobs, our church, our health. We are focusing each day on trying to take none of it for granted.
Love you all!
Posted by The Cooleys at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 19, 2010
Another one of those days
I couldn't be happier today is finally Friday. I had a short week because I was sick with a sinus infection, but it still seemed like a month long week, or maybe just today was a week long day. It was one of those days when I repeatedly had to tell myself throughout the day how lucky I am to have a job. Normally I quite enjoy my job, but today I had one of those days when I was expected to be super woman, and I worked so hard at it today that there were actually a few brief shining moments when I felt like I might really be superwoman, but then the momentum would die down and I found myself gasping for breathe. I don't have any superpowers. I'm just a girl in a cubicle, with a computer and a headset, doing the best I can everyday, but working especially harder on Fridays, the days when everything must be done "RIGHT NOW". So, if you are reading this...the next time you call customer service for anything, regardless of what it is, be kind, and remember that the person on the other wasn't born on Krypton.
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Here comes the cold...
Brrrr! I was pleasantly surprised at how warm last night was despite the rain, should have known I would wake up to strong winds bringing in the cold air! It is November after all! I'm so glad that last week I bought a winter coat. This time I bought an all black one. The last coat I had, I picked one with a lot of white on it; and I couldn't keep it looking clean. So, all black for me! :) I also bought a super cute 20's style hat to keep my head warm. I'm not going to lie...I'm kind of excited to get bundled up! (I know that's wierd...but it's like having new clothes. I never can wait to wear new clothes.)
I made chili last night for to have for dinner today. It's a great recipe I got from allrecipes.com and it's made with ground turkey instead of hamburger meat. I made the chili last year but I had used hamburger meat. This time I followed the instructions and used the turkey. I'm sorry but ground turkey is sooooo gross looking before it is cooked, and quite honestly it's a pain in the rearend to cook. After all, it's poultry...so you definately have to make sure there is no pink, so it took me forever to brown the meat, but once everything was put together I don't think you can tell the difference between using the hamburger vs the turkey, except that of course the chili is not even the slightest bit greasy, which is a good thing of course!
Just wanted to put a quick shout out to my lil sis, Charlotte...I'm proud of you for finding a great paying job! You will be a great customer service representative! Go get em! LOVE YOU! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween Weekend was fun!
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010
Decide to enjoy....
Another work week in the books and now I'm ready for the weekend. After Allen went to work, spent the evening cleaning house and watching silly chick flicks. I'm excited b/c my brothers and sisters in laws are coming to visit us this weekend. We have all been invited to our friends' annual Halloween party. Pictures to come...
I wanted to share this with everyone. One of the trainers at work sent this out in an email and I think it is a great little paragraph. Motivating...
"Decide to enjoy
Even the most difficult work feels easy when you let if flow from your heart. You can take on the most complicated and challenging tasks with the effortless ease when you let go of your resistance to them. Do you feel resentment about what you must do? If so, you're only making it more difficult and unpleasant. Can you choose instead to feel sincere gratitude for the opportunity to get it done? Of you course you can, and by so doing you dramatically improve your performance. If the effort feels disagreeable , that's only because you want it to feel disagreeable. And why exactly would you want that? Resentment and resistance will only bring you down, and cause you to work longer at doing what you don't want to do. yet it is always within your power to make a positive change. Decide to enjoy what you're doing, and just like magic you'll suddenly be doing what you enjoy. Not only that, you'll be doing a much better job of it.--Ralph Marston : source: http://greatday.com/motivate/101029.html.
Hope everyone had a great week and that everyone has an even better weekend. LOVE YOU ALL!
Posted by The Cooleys at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tonight we went grocery shopping and happened to leave our back "patio" light on. When we came back six jr high/high school aged boys are playing football in our backyard. Not our side yard, but OUR back yard. I didn't know what to do. I just stepped back there and stared at them for a minute. Allen was carrying groceries. We went inside and turned the light off. Of course they had to move because they couldn't see back there any more, but what do you think? Do you think that turning the light off was a neighborly way to say get the heck out of our yard? Was it enough? Should we have said something? What should we do the next time? Suggestions can be left in the chat box. Any and all will be appreciated.
P.S. I am certain some of the boys left with dog poop on their shoes, as they were playing in OUR backyard that Penny poops in....
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Short week, YAY!
This weekend was so wonderful. The weather was absolutely perfect and we loved spending time with everytone. Tomorrow is my Thursday, since Thursday is my Friday this week. I have taken a mini-vacation in honor of our two year anniversary. We don't have any major plans yet. Who knows, maybe we will laze around in our pajamas for three days...we will see.
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Oh Friday...
...only one night of sleep away! I'm really excited for this weekend. Matt and Nicole are going to come into town. (I did get the junk moved off the floor in the guest bedroom finally. YAY!) The weather forecast so far looks amazing. Gorgeous for the day and just cool enough for the fire to be a comfort, but not cold enough to make anyone miserable. GOOD! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
No dapples....
I forgot to give the update about our future puppy. She was born this weekend. Well, at least we think she's the one we want. The lady we are getting her from has another mini-dachshund who is supposed to deliver this weekend and she said the one delivering this weekend will probably have a few more puppies since she is a bigger mini. We would like to find one to come close to Penny's size....which is actually going to be very hard because Penny is one of the smallest mini-doxi's we've ever seen. So, we think we are going to take the black and tan little girl that was born to a smaller mini this past weekend. She said there weren't any silver dapples.
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Reminder to self...
Although the scenery on the way to and from work is breathtaking, I must remind myself that I'm driving, to focus on the road. I passed a tree so beautiful today that I wanted to stop my car right in the middle of the highway to take a picture. I just LOVE this time of year. I hope everyone is having a good week, tomorrow is midweek already! The phones are VERY busy this week, and I don't see any relief in sight...good...that's what we want, JOB SECURITY! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 11, 2010
Can this week hurry up?
I can't wait for the weekend! I hope the weather is nice because I am looking forward to some bonfire hotdogs and my dad's chili! MMmmmm! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Blogging from bed
This weekend we made the switch to Sprint. I can now blog from bed with my hubby right next to me. How sweet the switch is LOL. Goodnight all!
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Ahh the joys of city life...
Listening to other people's children screaming at the top of their lungs, while they are throwing sticks into your yard. I cannot decide which is best, the screaming, or the insessant sound of one small child on a scooter, back and forth, back and forth.....
But the day is gorgeous. So absolutely unbelievably beautiful, I'm so thankful to be living, and not just existing.
Posted by The Cooleys at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Date night tonight! YAY!
Allen and I are having a date night tonight. Just us. Something we haven't done in a while. I scored a coupon for buy one get one free meal at Ruby Tuesdays out of a magazine, which is a really good deal! He's sleeping now of course, but when he gets up I think we are going to go look for new cell phones! YAY! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
Alive and loving life
We are alive, just not active online right now. Busy busy with work, the one's where we get a paycheck, and the work, work, work, at home continuing to make our new house a home. It's such a nice house I find myself doing much more housework than I have previously done in the past. Still moving things around trying to find the right place for everything. In between work at work and work at home, we've been spending time with eachother. I feel we have sort of been neglecting spending time with family (and our friends too...) lately but it's not intentional. We love you all very very much and cherish every moment we do get to spend with you and you are all always in our thoughts. We just have found very little alone time lately, so we have been taking advantage of what we can find. Things are bound to slow down sooner or later? Right.....:)
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Oh three day weekend....
You are only two days away....yet...it seems like an eternity! UGH! Is anyone else having an EXTREMELY long week?
Posted by The Cooleys at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 30, 2010
Oh hello again work week...
This weekend went by too quickly as always. Allen had to work Friday night. Saturday we had Grandma, Pop Pop, and Caleb over for dinner. It was my first attempt at stuffed zucchini. Everyone said it was good, and everyone ate it, but I just thought it was so so. It's a recipe I might play with to make better. It was nice to have my Grandparents over and even nicer to know they have a less than ten minute drive.
Sunday we went to church. We decided to hold off on Sunday school. We both were still pretty tired. Feels like we are more worn out lately because the allergies are so severe. Even with taking Claritin our allergies are dragging us down. Our future kids are doomed to have to live in bubbles... We also decided to hold off on joining the choir, so we did not attend the choir get together. After much discussion, it's something that we should wait to do until we make the decision to move our membership to this church. In two weeks we have the "Next Step" dinner where we get to learn a little bit more about the church and it might be a better idea to wait to make a committment to a choir until we make the decision to be members. We are going to continue to attend MPCC, but we are going to also look at attending the church here in Hannibal that my uncle Steve goes to and maybe a few others.
If I'm not blogging every night, just know that I'm catching up on some z's.
Love you all soooo much.
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's getting darker, earlier....
Allen is VERY grateful for the cool down. I don't really have much of anything to report today...just that we miss everyone and love you all! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
Gonna try this again...
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
So, I'm only blogging very quickly, was finally able to get on the computer after having to turn it on and off FOUR times. One time I had to actually disconnect the power to the computer b/c it wouldn't let me turn it off and was beeping at me! Obviously there is something wrong. Allen is gonna take a look at it in the morning so I'm not sure when the next blog will be, especially if we have to take it in to have it looked at. :(
Love you all!
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
Oh weekends...why do you go sooo quickly?
Well, it was a short weekend. Allen had to work overtime Sunday night, and of course had to work Friday night, so much of the weekend was spent by Allen sleeping. I can't say I blame him at all. Not only is he working the worst shift ever if was rediculously hot last week, which takes even more out of Allen than a normally hot week. He did survive it though, and this week is already much much cooler.
The suprise Ms. Bezler had for me was a CD with two videos of me singing at church when I was 12 or 13. The videos are wonderful, but what is even more wonderful is the fact that she took the time to make the video for me and seek me out 13 years later to make sure I had a copy of it. She's a wondefully unique lady and I'm very blessed to have been taught by her. She definately made an impact on me. I'm glad to have remade the connection to her, now as an adult and I hope to get to spend some time with her again soon. She loved Allen's voice sooo much, it was so funny. The first thing she said to him after he said "Hello" was "Oooo you must sing!" And she kept asking him to sing through out dinner. It made me laugh so hard! :) What a great night!
Sunday at church was a summer celebration of what the youth and children of the church have been up to this summer. It was neat to get to see the impact this church is making on the kids and is a comfort to know they have ALOT of kids and an active ministry for them. Loving this church even more every Sunday we go. On Sunday September 12, they are having a "Next Step" lunch , for newcomers to the church to get to know more about it. I'm excited. Also, they are having a mixer on August 29th for people that are interested in joing the worship ministry a.k.a. choir. I am VERY excited about this. Allen is going to join too. It should be fun!
Love you all!
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
So, tomorrow I find out what this big suprise my elementary music school teacher has for me 13 years later....what on earth could it be?
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Connected again!
Well, we are finally back online, and back to a sense of semi-normalness. The move went as smooth as moving could be expected, fast and furious as always, and was relatively painless except on the painful side for out pocket book. This move has been one of our more expensive moves, but the good news is, WE GOT OUR FULL DEPOSIT BACK from the place in Quincy. All of that deep cleaning we did paid off! We were starting to get nervous that we weren't going to get it back. But we did and now we can breathe a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, we have had to go with cable TV. Apparently the hills in Hannibal prevent the digital signal from making it into the homes, without a major outdoor antenna. We're doing the cable internet/tv package from US cable. Can you believe that Allen and I went three whole weeks with no tv and no internet? We could hardly believe it ourselves! We did a lot of reading and it definately did help us with less distraction from unpacking. Spending that long away from TV and the internet did help me realize how much time I've spent wasted online in the past few months. I'm going to try to be a little bit more aware of what I'm doing online and how long I spend.
We had a great weekend in Sturgeon visiting the Cooley family. We can't wait for everyone to come up and visit us here in Hannibal!
Now that we are back online, I will be able to blog again, and hopefully on a much more regular basis than before.
Love you all!
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Big News
Posted by The Cooleys at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sweatin it up...YUCK!
Posted by The Cooleys at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2010
: ) Penny Pics Post YAY!

Posted by The Cooleys at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
Wonderful weekend, not so wonderful start to the week...
So Saturday was a lot of fun! We went to the farmer's market with Mom and Dad, then in the afternoon we went to my parents house to go fishing. We had to wait until the evening to go fishing because of the storm that blew through the area. Right before the storm we managed to get a look at just how many blackberries are about to be ours in just a few weeks. I am NOT exaggerating when I say that there are enough out there for 10 people to pick berries ALL day and still not have picked them all. It's CRAZY, and I'm very excited. I will be making my first ever attempt a canning, blackberry jam....MMMM! :) Saturday was also nice because my Uncle Steve and cousins Zach and Morgan came fishing with us, oh and the grilled T-bone steaks my dad fixed and heavenly peanut butter pie my mom made!
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
If early morning stuff is for the birds...
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Thankful for Thursdays...
Because it means tomorrow is Friday!!!!!! Hope everyone has been having a good week!
Posted by The Cooleys at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
Monday ... SIGH.... AGAIN....
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
50 Years!
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Farmer's Market Find
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 11, 2010
Made it through Friday!
Oh yes I did! :) Now Allen just has to make it through his Friday night and let the weekend begin!!!
There has been this one neat medium sized spider outside the door everynight this week, that I have left alone and let be. I think it's a friendly sort of spider, but tonight I noticed there are two of them right above the door...I'm not sure about this...the spiders may have to be relocated. I don't want them inviting all their little eight legged friends for a party on my porch and then later in the house.
Speaking of spiders, I haven't uploaded the pics yet, but the last time we were at Allen's parent house we were in their shed and on a tractor blade was the biggest spider I've even seen outside of captivity. It was nearly the size of Phil's hand!!!! I will have to post the pics later.
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Just a thought...
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I heard the screams of my herbs...
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
Awww....isn't he sweet!
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Posted by The Cooleys at 6:43 PM 0 comments
One more day of the insanity...
Posted by The Cooleys at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
As always,
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Posted by The Cooleys at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Posted by The Cooleys at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Farmers' Market Success!
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
WOOOOSH and another week almost gone!
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Still kicking...
Hey! So, we haven't blogged in over a week...but we're still alive. I will try REALLY hard to get on here and post a real blog tonight. Just wanted to let everyone know we love you all!
Posted by The Cooleys at 5:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Only Tuesday...
Posted by The Cooleys at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Headed to Sturgeon for the Weekend
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A perfect reason NOT to steam!

Posted by The Cooleys at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 29, 2010
To Steam or Not to Steam...
Posted by The Cooleys at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Yes Mr. President, we will wait until Saturday to get a new car!
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:33 PM 0 comments