So, I haven't blogged much this week...here's an update. The house went to see was fantastic, Allen loved it too. But...was not for us...the owners picked another couple to rent to. Probably they didn't have dog...who knows. Oh well.
Josh and Caleb have spent the last three nights over at our house because the air conditioner at my mom and dad's house went kaput. Mom and dad have a little air conditioner for their room so they have been ok, but it was a miserable temperature in the rest of the house for Josh and Caleb. I'm pretty sure Caleb thinks he is in heaven, not having to get up early in the morning to take care of chickens, no chores, and all the video game playing he wants. LOL!
We are going to Sturgeon this weekend! YAY! :) We can't wait!
We have a few green tomatoes growing on our tomato plants. They look very healthy. I can't wait til we have so many tomatoes to eat we have to give em away! :) My container garden drowned, all except for my basil, which some how has miraculously survived. Next time I will do it differently. It's a live and learn process for me! The dang bugs and rabbit ate up the two pepper plants we had next to our tomatoes. Sad, I know.
Well, I would like to say tomorrow was my last day of work, but it's not. Overtime on Saturday, ummm...YAY! :)
Love you all!
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