Well, three if you count the farmers market as exciting. Exciting thing number one, I have sucessfully planted my container herb and lettuce garden. We were able to find an old square coffee table for three bucks at The Crossing's Thrift Store, so I don't have to wory about the rabbits munching on the goods!
Exciting thing number two, which completely overshadows the container garden, and probably even deserves it's own blog posting. We finally bought a Play Station 3 today. We were able to get a good deal on it at Best Buy. We've been wanting one for a long time now and since they finally dropped the price down on it we've been thinking about it. Now we own one! Allen may never sleep again. LOL! I'm really excited too, b/c we will be able to watch all of our Netflix on the nice new tv we got for Christmas. Anyone wondering what game Allen had to have? Modern Warfare 2, supposedly one of the best games for the PS3.

That's all for now. YAY! :)
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