This weekend was fantastic. Allen and I both had Saturday AND Sunday off for a change. Saturday was one year from when Allen proposed. What a fast , exciting and wonderful year it has been. We celebrated by eating dinner at the same restaurant we ate at last year after the proposal, Lake View. It was a very nice and romantic meal. Good thing we had reservations because the place was packed. Sunday we went to Mom and Dad's to visit. We watched a couple movies and got to see Charlotte's AMAZING pictures from Hawaii. What a once in a lifetime trip. Her pictures are so beautiful. Wish it wasn't such an expensive trip. Allen and I would both LOVE to go Hawaii. Maybe we will someday be able to afford a trip to Mexico or something like that, but not any time soon. The countdown is on for looking for a new place. I'm itching to get moved into a place where we can put things away instead of having things sit around in random piles. I think that our options are going to be pretty good. Every where we look there are for rent/lease signs. Today we drove past a home on 29th and Oak, that looked pretty new and it would be five blocks for me to get to work, and just about the same for Allen, the sign said for lease. We are probably going to call, just to see.

Penny got a new toy! We had to throw away the blue bone/ rope toy we got her on Thanksgiving because she tore it to near shreds. We bought this cute raccoon, named Bandit on Saturday, which she LOVES. We gave it to her as soon as we got home, and she bled all over it immediately. While we were gone she lost one of her puppy teeth, so she was still bleeding from that. So, Bandit had already had a bath. LOL! She's really cute playing with it. It is half her size!
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