Ugh...Monday. Not just any Monday but a full moon Monday. They are the worst kinds of Mondays. I don't ever even have to look at a calendar to know when it's a full moon. People always go a little nutty around the full moon. "A little nutty", is actually an understatement. People go absolutely loony. Oh, well, at least it only lasts for a little while.
So, sorry no posts this weekend. We were too busy sleeping in, eating sushi, enjoying the wonderful weather this weekend, and Netflix! Friday night we ate at the sushi restaurant, for the first time. It's been around for almost a year, but we've never tried it. We met Jim and Amy there. I have to say we will probably never go again. Trust us...one time paying $20 for a plate of appetizers is enough for us. Don't get us wrong, it was REALLY good. In fact, good enough that I would really like to try making it ourselves sometime, but we seriously we paid $20 dollars for a plate of rice and raw fish. We ate, and then we went home and fixed something else to eat later.
Saturday we had a wonderful day in the park with Penny and watching movies from Netflix. Our first month subscription has already paid for itself.
Sunday Allen had to work, so I spent the day rearranging the living room. I know, I know, we are moving in two months, so why bother? I couldn't help it. I got tired of looking at the same boring furniture arrangement, plus I wanted to set the living room up so we could sit comfortably closer to the computer screen to watch movies. Mission accomplished.
So tomorrow...70 degree temps forcasted in February. Curious....eh?
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