Monday, January 10, 2011

A successful weekend...

So, I was concerned about how well I would do with the whole weight watchers thing over the weekend, but I stuck to it. I stuck to my daily points allowance AND I got to eat Roly Poly and cheesecake. Two of my favorites.

They have this whole weight watchers thing down to a real science both a physical science and a mental science. I really wanted to eat two pieces of cheesecake, but I didn't do it b/c I didn't want to have to write it down. I said no to two pieces even though I watched Allen eat two pieces. I'm really proud of making it through my first weekend on weight watchers without giving up.

(Oh and even though Allen ate two pieces of cheesecake, he is being very supportive of this. I told him I didn't care if he ate two pieces that it wouldn't bother me. :) )

Another thing I will tell you, I think I have eaten more fruits and vegetables in the past 5 days than I have in the whole past month. In addition, I have been drinking much more water. Allen is always so good at drinking water. He could down a gallon in fifteen minute I'm sure of it, but I'm a much slower water drinker. I have been making myself do it though, so I can write it down.

I know that me doing weight watchers is probably not the most interesting blog material, but I blog about our lives and right now this is what is going on. Othe than the healthy changes food wise. We bought a piece of exercise equipment called "The Wave" , the picture is up top. I haven't done the workout yet, but I have been on it a few times, and I can tell it's going to be challenging and fun!

Allen is still watching the board at work waiting for a second shift position to open up. Hopefully this will happen soon.

Well, I am off to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate (sugar free/fat free) and watch a little bit of TV. Love you all!