Monday, May 4, 2009

Blog of Randomness/Complaining/Are you sure you want to read this?

Sorry for our lapse in blogs. You didn't miss much, though. Allen had to work. I did alot of dishes. We didn't get to the store to pick up anything for the garden. We are going to be doing it this Saturday. Friday is pay day , so we can pick up a few of the tools we need. We are also going to buy some paint for me to paint the things for the living room. I hope that paint isn't too expensive because I would REALLY like to get the living room in complete order.

We really , really love our neighborhood. It is SO nice to have neighbors that we feel comfortable enough to stop and talk to on our walks with Penny. It's a very friendly neighborhood.

So, we just found out we missed Caleb and Charlotte's spring concert that was tonight. Neither one of them said anything about it to remind us. :( I'm sure they did a really good job, but it's pretty upsetting to miss it. We didn't get to go to the Christmas concert either.

It's not a full moon, but Penny has been running around crazy like it is.

It's not a full moon, but people are complaining and being jerks like it is.

Allen's favorite flavor of sunflower seeds are the BBQ kind.

Tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo, and there is a carry in at work. I made a non-alcoholic Margarita punch. I'm excited. Hope it's a hit. It's wierd but there's a lot of office place politics involved in a carry-in, so you have to put thought into what you bring.

Cinco De Mayo is a stupid excuse to for people to drink in the middle of the week. It's a Mexican holiday. All year people complain about the Mexicans, except for one night of the year, when everyone pretends to be one so they can steal their holiday! PSHH! I'm pretty sure that in Mexico City the Fourth of July is NOT an excuse to drink, well maybe...who knows. BLEH.

Thursday night we ate the most awesome meatloaf I've ever had. Spicy Buffalo Sauce Meatloaf. If you want the recipe email me, because I don't have a link to it, this one actually came out of a cook book. It was amazing.

Because I changed my mailing address for my Better Homes and Gardens Magazine at the beginning of April, I'm not getting my May issue, AND I even got a letter in the mail from them saying Congratulations on your move , but you're not getting this month's issue. PSHH!

We need a new broom.

Penny needs more dog food.

AND we need toilet paper. So that means tomorrow we have to take the dreaded trip to Wal-Mart. YUCK! I know this going to make me sound old, but I seriously do not like to go to Wal-Mart any more. I used to love it, any more it's just a hastle. There's always 9 million people there, and 8.5 million of them are rude and inconsiderate. SIGH!

Well, that's enough randomness/complaining for today. Hope everyone else had a great weekend. Love you all!