So, I'm just wondering what else is in store for us this winter with 60 degree weather at the beginning of January? I will take the nice weather but hopefully it doesn't mean we are headed for really bad weather soon. Sylvia and I took advantage of the super nice weather today. It tool us two tries because by the time we got dressed the first time and put the sunblock on , she was sooo over it and threw a fit. We got undressed and happy again, when she was cooing and smiling again I redressed her and headed outside. At first she started to fuss, but then it was like she finally opened her eyes and realized that EVERYTHING she was seeing was new to her. She stayed really quiet listening to me talk and she spent her time carefully observing. It was a lot for her. We stayed oustide for about ten minutes and when we came back inside, she crashed. In fact she is napping in my lap as I type this. I can't wait for tomorrow it's supposed to be nice again and we might all go to the park together. (Depending on her mood of course.)
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