Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I'm at home today while Allen is sleeping. For the first time in probably 10 years or even more, I have strep throat! I haven't had it since I was a kid. What a bummer...woke up this morning at 4 a.m. in some serious pain. When I woke up for work, the pain hadn't gone away at all. Then I peeked at my throat in the mirror and could see one white dot. So, I called in and went to the clinic, where the doctor took one look in my throat and said "Yep, definately strep. Need to get you on an antibiotic right away. " YUCK! I'm hoping Allen doesn't come down with it, but he probably will since it's so contagious.
Posted by The Cooleys at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Well, three if you count the farmers market as exciting. Exciting thing number one, I have sucessfully planted my container herb and lettuce garden. We were able to find an old square coffee table for three bucks at The Crossing's Thrift Store, so I don't have to wory about the rabbits munching on the goods!
Exciting thing number two, which completely overshadows the container garden, and probably even deserves it's own blog posting. We finally bought a Play Station 3 today. We were able to get a good deal on it at Best Buy. We've been wanting one for a long time now and since they finally dropped the price down on it we've been thinking about it. Now we own one! Allen may never sleep again. LOL! I'm really excited too, b/c we will be able to watch all of our Netflix on the nice new tv we got for Christmas. Anyone wondering what game Allen had to have? Modern Warfare 2, supposedly one of the best games for the PS3.

That's all for now. YAY! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Farmers' Market Success!
Last week was a bust at the farmers market because we arrived too late but this weekend we made it in plenty of time to take home some of the good stuff! :) I've never cooked turnips before, so this will be an interesting experience. We bought the turnips from the man we bought the strawberries from. It was a last minute decision. We were only going to get the strawberries, but the turnips were just sitting there, those beautiful white globes, and I had to get them. I'm pretty sure I have had turnips one time when I was younger at my Great Grandma Braggs. I think we might have had them mashed. So, I can't remember if I like them or not. If anyone has any great turnip recipes or turnip greens recipes, (cool to get two dished out of one veggie), send em my way! Today's a beautiful day. I'm just blogging very quickly while Allen and I are still enjoying our coffee together , then we are going to attack the day. We are going to Menards for some plants later today. We are also gonna go have sushi for lunch! YAY! :) LOVE THE WEEKENDS!!!!! (And it's pay day weekend, even better!)
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
WOOOOSH and another week almost gone!
Even though it has been a while since a real blog, there hasn't been much to report on. My little brother graduated 8th grade on Friday, which is yet another reminder of how fast time is flying by. Work has been hectic for both of us. For Allen, he's really coping with the working at night, sleeping during the day thing, but the room he's in is already hot and they are forecasting 80 degree weather for next week. He is NOT looking forward to it at all. Everyone please pray for him because it's going to be very hard on him to start until he can get used to it.
For me, work is just hectic because of the nature of what I'm dealing with, people don't call me to ask me how the weather you know...what can I say? One thing I will say for sure. I feel like my life is moving 1000 mph any more with the way work has been. The days don't seem short while I'm in the thick of it all on the clock, but sometimes when I clock out I just look back at the day and realize I need to hit the breaks once I'm clocked out. I'm always so wound. Can you believe that in 40 days the year is HALF over! Seems like we just celebrated Christmas. Time flies when you're...working.. LOL! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Still kicking...
Hey! So, we haven't blogged in over a week...but we're still alive. I will try REALLY hard to get on here and post a real blog tonight. Just wanted to let everyone know we love you all!
Posted by The Cooleys at 5:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Only Tuesday...
Well, it's only Tuesday, but I think it's safe to say that I'm going to have another "kick the wall" week at work. EVERYONE IS LOSING THEIR MINDS! Dr's offices, patients, other insurance companies, people at my own office...they have all gone loco. Why can't we all just get along? Why can't we all always act like the grown-ups that we are and not 4 year olds? ANSWERS PEOPLE! I NEED SOME ANSWERS! LOL! I said something about it must be a full moon....but I'm pretty sure that full moons don't last 11 days, which is exactly how far into May we are....and it's been full on insanity for the entire month. The only way I'm making it through is by trying to stay uber positive, killing people with kindess...
At least Allen's week has started off better this week than last week.
We had a WONDERFUL weekend in Sturgeon. It wasn't long enough at all, but we did get to see everyone and it was nice to catch up with them. I hope that all you mother's who read this blog had a great mother's day. You deserve way more than just one day out of the year to be your special day. I can't wait to be a mom!
Love you all lots! :)
Posted by The Cooleys at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Headed to Sturgeon for the Weekend
I know! I know! I haven't blogged all week. This week was probably one of the worst weeks ever at work, gradually getting worse and worse until today, which was by far the worst day of the week. Usually Friday is the best day of the week, but today was definately a Monday in Friday's disguise. I don't know if it's a full moon or what, but people have been MEAN and SPITEFUL all week. Allen has had an equally bad week. So, thank goodness for the weekend! We leave for Sturgeon tomorrow after Allen has caught some Z's. Can't wait to see the rest of the family! I hope that everyone has had a better week than us, and that everyone has a great weekend. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!
And before I sign off for the day...maybe a little bit of a sound off...seriously, if someone needs help, it's my job to help, but if someone calls me and says, "I have a bill and I don't know what to do about it, why didn't ya'll pay it?" I might ask a few simple questions, like. "Who is the bill from?" or "How much is the bill for?" But if YOU call ME asking for help and you can't answer either one of these two obvious questions, or especially if you answer either one of these questions, with , "I don't know, all of my paperwork is at home, and I'm in my car." DON'T YOU DARE GET AN ATTITUDE WITH ME WHEN I CAN'T MAGICALLY ANSWER YOUR QUESTION, "How come ya'll didn't pay for the bill that I have no idea how much it's for, what it's for, or who it's from." Also, if I had the opportunity to be face to face with people today, if one more unlucky soul would have referred to me as "you people" , they probably would have received a punch straight to the nose.
Again, thank goodness the weekend is here. I'm hoping to regain some sanity before it all starts over again on Monday.
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A perfect reason NOT to steam!

The most beautiful little girl was born at 5am Saturday morning! Her name is Kristen Jayde , and we are her Aunt and Uncle! She is so precious. I cried when I saw her. She's so perfect I just can't believe how wonderful she is. I can't wait to get to spend time with her and watch her grow and I hope we get to be a big part of her life. The other news of the weekend is we got a new (new to us anyways) car , but Kristen outshines that news any day of the year! :) Here are a few pics, they are low quality because they were taken with my cell phone. I can't wait to get some good pics!
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:37 PM 0 comments
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