Well, Christmas is over already. Can't hardly believe how fast this entire year has flown by. We had a wonderful holiday weekend. It was VERY VERY nice for Christmas to be on Friday because it made a four day weekend from work. We got to see all of our family and had a lot of fun. We ended up with some awesome gifts. We are very spoiled! Our big ticket items were 32 flat screen LCD tv , and a rockin speaker system for our computer. Both will be used ALOT. We got a lot of other really nice things to go along with the big stuff too! We got a camping propane stove burner, the game Scategories, cash, and food goodies. Separately, Allen got a very nice electric drill, pocket knife, a cd that he has had stolen from him twice in the past, and a knife sharpener. I received a very cool necklace made out recycled beads from an organization called beads for life , an amazing set of wind chimes, storage containters, a gardening book, an super nice spice rack and many other things for the kitchen. Allen really spoiled me this year, but I'm not complaining. Not one bit! :) He also bought me a fishing pole that is pink, which I love and a new tennis racket.
The weekend was so wonderful I never wanted it to end. But it's been back to work already...bleh, and the phones have been crazy. Allen doesn't have to start his new job until the 7th of January, but he has been busy around the house too. This weekend we are going back down to Sturgeon, because it's a three day weekend we will get to spend some extra time with the family for the New Year. I think Josh is going to go down with us, so it will be really nice.
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas and that everyone has a great New Year. After January 7th I will begin blogging regularly again, as Allen will be at work and I will have some extra time to blog.
We love you all!
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