Well yesterday we celebrated our one year anniversary. Actually, all weekend we celebrated our one year anniversary! On Saturday we slept in REALLY late and then we went to eat sushi atthe local Japanese Steak house. It was really good. Sushi is definately one of those things that Allen and I have both decided we like a lot, but it's not something we have the desire to eat alot. Since we ate there this past weekend, we probably won't feel like eating it for another several months. Then we went to the mall and bought a new game called Pente that we have had our eye on for while. We relaxed at home for a while and then we went to out to dinner at Kelly's for their prime rib special. It was really good, but the dining atmosphere was not good at all. Allen and I have decided that it was the last time we are ever going to eat there. We just can't understand why so many people in Quincy love it. It must just be a "native" Quincy thing because honestly, it's over priced and the place was over packed, and instead of a nice romantic quiet dining experience, it felt like we were trying to eat dinner at busy bar. We definately have no desire to eat there again. It was good food though! Then we went to the movies. We finally watched Zombieland. It was not as good as we had hoped. I think we had our hopes way too high because we had heard so many good things about how hilarious it was going to be, and when it was only funny instead of hilarious, I think we both were pretty disappointed. It's a good movie, just one that I wish we would have waited and rented to watch at home. Part of the disappointment might also have had to do with the PACK of teenage girls shrieking at even the previews! BLEH!
When we got home Saturday night, we weren't even sure we were on the right street because there were so many cars lined up in front of our house and all down the street. The neighbor boys, across the street from us had a two keg house party! Honestly I think half of Quincy was trying to squeeze into their house, and it is not any bigger than ours! It was crazy! There were tons of people just walking around on the street. We heard several people get into a fight, we didn't think the cops got called on the party, but come to find out , our next door neighbor Mike , did call the cops on the party and all the partyers were told was that it had to be inside! They got off easy for as many people as there were!
Saturday night we also played our new card and board games we bought. We have several new games to play now. In addition to Pente, we bought Uno Stacko, Scabble Slam and Shoot the Moon. We can't wait to have another game night!
Sunday we slept in really late again and watched one of our favorite movies together, Forest Gump! GOOD MOVIE! We finally took the wedding cake out of our freezer and ate the traditional tiny piece. It actually didn't taste too bad! Oh, and I found my drivers license that I lost at this time last year. SERIOUSLY, I'M NOT KIDDING! MY DRIVER'S LICENSE WAS FROZEN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE CAKE PLATE IN THE FREEZER FOR A YEAR! And yes that includes the move in March! UNFREAKINBELIEVABLE! When I had lost it last year, I thought for sure it was just gone forever, so I ended up buying a new one. Who would've guessed that a year later it would show up on the kitchen table after thawing off of the bottom of the cake plate! CRAZINESS!
It was a great weekend and Allen and I are looking forward to spending many many more happy anniversaries together!
And you know how the rest of the story goes....back to work...back to work...bleh!
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