As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. -Joshua 24:15
Posted by The Cooleys at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Cooleys at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Well I finally had my interview with General Mills and now I can stop worrying about it. It is getting late so I won't go into great detail but I believe I did very well. It was the weirdest interview Ive ever had. There were 6 people getting an interview and they had us all in the same room. We were as far away as we could be in the room during the interview but you could still hear everyone talking. We each had 2 interviewers, one from management and one from the production line. The questions were pretty standard and I answered them all very well I think. However, I was expecting to get the why general mills? and where do you see yourself in 5 years? questions but never did. Also what was weird, is that I was the only guy wearing a tie and 2 of the guys were wearing t-shirts and jeans!! Who wears that to an interview seriously. Any how, they said that we would be getting a letter in the mail about 2 weeks from now telling us if we got the job or not. If we did then we would be put in their "hiring pool" and could wait anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to hear from them. All I can say is I'm glad I'm not hurting for a job. This has been a long process and to add a couple more months to it would make it unbearable if I didnt have a job.
Posted by The Cooleys at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Cooleys at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Cooleys at 6:31 PM 0 comments
We had a wonderful time this weekend. I hate that it's now Sunday evening and that means tomorrow...back to the work week. (SIGH...it's life...if we didn't work, we wouldn't probably be able to have the wonderful weekends that we do.) Friday night we went to visit Grandma and Pop Pop. We had some homemade chili, which was yummy. It was our first bowl of chili since the beginning of chilly weather. (Which by the way...we are not ready for yet! Gotta get the plastic up on the windows ASAP!) We ended up playing three games of 10 point pitch and an entire game of Mexican Crazy Train Dominoes. An entire game of MCTD took us two hours! It was so much fun though! Oooo and grandma sent us home with a jar of homemade pepper relish! It is DELICIOUS! On Saturday Allen had to work, I ended up braving the crowd at Hy Vee so I could have a gallon of milk for .99, 2lb of 85/15 hamburger meat for $1.98 and four bags of shredded cheese for $4.00. The prices were so good I couldn't pass it up, and apparantly neither could anyone else in Quincy. (The sale was a six hour sale.) I'm not kidding you, it was a MAD HOUSE! No parking spots, no carts, no room in the aisles...CRAZINESS! It honestly looked like Wal-Mart the day after Thanksgiving! I made it home safely from that and then I went up town with Mom and Caleb. We went to the Farmer's Market at Farm and Home, and to the mall. While mom was trying on a shirt in the dressing room, I saw a GIANT spider just sitting on the back of one of the shirts hanging on a rack. I took a picture of it, but the picture didn't come out well. I took the shirt and the spider up to the cashier. I would have killed it first, but I thought maybe they would want to see what kind of spider it was. Wierd huh? When Allen got home from work we decided to have date night. We went to Sprouts for dinner, then we went to the mall. We went to shop ko and came home with a Shop Ko brand magic bullet blender! YAY! I've been wanting one of those soooo bad! We got ours for $25 with a three year warantee! Which, the Magic Bullet at Shop Ko is $70! We've already made smoothies with it! I LOVE IT! :) We also bought a dice game called Kismet for $4. We figured what the heck...we would try it, since it was only $4, couldn't go too wrong with it! Well, it is definately worth what we paid! It's so much fun we played five games of it last night! We can't wait to play with everyone else! (Grandma D. , we think you are REALLY going to like it!)
Posted by The Cooleys at 3:15 PM 0 comments