Well, sorry we haven't blogged very much this week. You didn't miss anything on Tuesday. It was just a regular day...same ol same ol, but yesterday was a little bit more eventful. Yesterday I found out that the corporation I work for laid off 650 people. I have been told my position is safe, but it was still very bad news. There were a few people out of our office let go, but it was all upper management. Most of the layoffs were in Texas though. We are the second largest office next to Chicago, and we are a highly productive team. A lady from corporate came to speak to us about it and it seems that the cuts that have been made will carry us at least through next year depending on what Obama ends up doing with the healthcare situation. That's all I'm going to say about it for now...I'm so sick of having to talk, think, and worry about healthcare reform. I live and breathe it every day. It's stressing me out. I wish I could take a break from it, but there isn't a break. Everyone everywhere is talking about it in their daily lives, and my job is centered around it. I've never felt such pressure from impending legislation in my whole adult life. I've never been much on politics. I've always had my opinions of course, and I have voiced them in the past. Sometimes I feel I'm right, sometimes I've been wrong, but I've never felt educated enough about the issues to take too much of a political stance. Now, I'm right smack dab in the middle of a political issue that I have way more information than I want to have and it makes my head spin. But enough talk about that....
Josh and Lindsey came over for dinner Thursday night. We had philly beef sandwiches and they were yummy. Then despite several attempts to talk Josh out of it, we went and played tennis. We only had the two rackets so Allen played against Josh while Lindsey and I sat on the sidelines getting eaten up by mosquitoes, then I played Lindsey. It was fun and I was glad to get to know her a little bit better. Next time they come over they are going to bring their own rackets and we will play doubles. I'm looking foward to it.
I'm also looking forward to the end of tomorrow , for the weekend to begin!
Oh, and Allen and I have found a new show to watch, and we are SERIOUSLY into it. Netflix is the best $9 /month investment ever! We are watching season one of Heroes, and the show is amazing! Alot of thought went behind this show. There are four seasons so far. I really hope that it continues to be as good as it has. The storyline is amazing, characters are very round and well thought out. The writing is smart, and we love it! The best part of watching it online is no commercials and we can just watch one episode after the other if we want, no cliff hanging until next week! :)
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