Well, today was the big day. Allen had his test at 8 a.m at the Hannibal Police Dept. (Penny and I went with, we stayed in the car though...) It did end up being an IQ test, a very simple one at that, then the applicants were given five minutes to write a paragraph explaining why would be best for the job, which Allen has already submitted his resume and cover letter with his application, so the paragraph was easy to write. Then they had what was called a "physical agility test" which included only one thing, and that was to pick up a 50 lb bag of sand and carry it a certain distance and up a few stairs. Allen aced that. No prob. He's had LOTS of experience handling big squirmy dogs which is a lot harder than a stationary bag of sand. The man in charge of testing today advised the applicants that there had been over 600 applications received! They narrowed it down to 68 people to test, and will be whittling those 68 down to 15 to receive actual interviews, and then of course only one person will get the job. Allen's chances for an interview are looking good so far. Just keep praying, and we'll keep you updated!
Last night we ate dinner with Grandma Hazel. We took her to Elders. She was in town for a dentist appointment and had been trying to find a dress for her 50th high school reunion. FIFTY years out of highschool!!! It's only been 6 for me and that seems like a long time! :) Allen celebrates his 10th next year. We are still debating on whether or not we really want to go. My class had our 5th year reunion last year and if you ask me it wasn't very much fun or exciting. Don't get me wrong, it was good to get to see a few of my classmates and their beautiful children, but with it only being 5 years most people hadn't changed much from highschool. Now a 10 year reunion may be a little more fun than a 5th. We'll just have to wait and see. Good thing we have a year to think about it.
This morning after Allen's test we dropped by Grandma and PopPop's to say hi. Penny really wanted to investigate the house, but of course we didn't let her. The last time she was over there was on Thanksgiving last year and she was still a teeny tiny puppy then. She slept most of the time on my aunt Amy's lap. Today Penny is 11 months old. Next month is her birthday! YAY! That little dog is probably one of the very best investments we have made. We just love her to pieces. A dog's love is certainly something special. Human's tend to place conditions our love, or expect something in return for our love-not a dog. A dog faithfully loves you no matter what, unconditionally and whole-heartedly. Their loyalty is unparalleled. As I write this, I know when Grandma and Popop read it, there will be a little sadness felt over the recent loss of their wonderful little dog. Also, Brenda and Phil have recently lost more than one dog. We were sad to see each of these dogs go. I would have to say this, that I am very sorry for your loss, but I am very happy for both of you that you were able to share your lives with her and that she gave her whole life to you, that's the way dogs like it to be. We try to love eachother unconditionally and with family I believe we all come as close as possible. God is the one who truly loves unconditionally, but sometimes I think he created dogs with their mindsets the way they are so that we could experience that love in a more tangible way. We can't reach out and hug God, but we can certainly hug a dog and feel that love coming from them. As gross as puppy dog kisses are...they always warm my heart. Grandma and Popop, the memories you have from her will always be good ones, and you will always know that special bond. Thanks to Penny I now understand that bond too! Before, I just didn't get it. Now I wouldn't trade her for anything. We would have lived in a cardboard box if it meant getting to keep our little dog. We're very grateful to have found a landlord that has no problem with her. In all honesty, she's alot cleaner than most little kids I know...LOL! :)
Well, I'm off to my eye appointment.
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