So, Allen turned in his resume, cover letter and application into the Hannibal Police Dept yesterday and today he received a phone call to schedule himself for testing!!!!! I guess there is a test you have to take to qualify for an interview, something the paper did not say, BUT I'm thinking it's definately good news. Now, the guy already told Allen that there are ALOT of people testing. He's scheduled to take his test at 8a.m. on Thursday morning. I'm hoping that it is just going to be your standard personality/ iq test, which I really think that this is probably what it will be. The job will require someone who is smart and mentally stable and an interview cannot always show that. My job required a "test" before I got an interview, too. Heck, even the gas station job that Allen has now required an simple IQ test. I think that pretty much with the job market the way it is now, any time an employer has a job opening, they need to have something extra in addition to the interview to help weed out some people. Especially a job that only requires at minimum a GED. I'm sure that at least 100 people have applied for this position. I know I've said this before, but please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Allen is nervous as all get out, and I am nervous for him. It has been very tough on Allen for the past two years applying and applying, only getting an interview here and there, and nothing coming out of it. We have been able to maintain the positive thought process that every time one of the previous opportunities didn't work out, it was because Allen is meant to have something else. Something better, but that is starting to be a hard outlook to have.
Tonight is a really wierd night because Allen switched a girl who always trades him to work the night shift. So, I'm home alone. :( I took Allen dinner though! I haven't really been blogging about the food lately...mostly that's because I have either been recooking recipes that have worked in the past or something so simple that it's not blog worthy...but tonight I really did make something I was pretty proud of because I came up with it on my own! I made a marinade for pork chops that had dijon mustard, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, garlic and orange marmalade in it. And then I made a little extra to glaze the pork as I cooked it in the skillet. I should have taken a picture because it was beautiful! :) The flavor was amazing too. Only problem was they ended up being a little dry...but ehh...maybe not next time! Another recipe that I didn't really mention here on the blog that I made last week was Lime Caribbean Jerk Chicken Breasts. The chicken was VERY simple but soooo good. I bought some McCormick Caribbean Jerk seasoning and cooked the chicken almost all the way through in a skillet dusted with the seasoning and then in the last few minutes of cooking I squeezed a lime over the top of the chicken. It was AMAZING, and we will definately be eating it again! The seasoning was DEFINATELY a good investment. We're going to try it on pork chops too!
Hmmm....Allen's not home yet...so I guess I can just make this an extra long blog...this week at work we have been having the "Never Ending" baby shower for a girl at work in our unit, where each day someone brings her a gift and someone else brings snacks for everyone each day of the week. I signed up for snacks today and went w/ a "baby" food theme. Baby carrots, baby pickles, baby bagels, baby tortilla pin wheels, and the hit of the day, "baby" sandwiches. The sandwiches were actually "tea sandwiches" made with cream cheese, mayo, and dry italian seasoning spead on the bread with slices of cucumbers in between cut into triangles. I had four people ask me for the recipe, so I guess I better remember to take it to work with me tomorrow. Something so simple was such a hit. I was really suprised at the reaction to it, but I myself was suprised by the flavor because they were very tasty little sandwiches.
Work is REALLY hard right now, with more and more people losing their jobs, thus their insurance too. Some of the calls I've been taking lately have been breaking my heart. I'm having to put on my armor before work too though because for every nice person that calls breaking my heart, I have another jerk face talking to me like I'm not a human being. It's a really good thing they haven't decided to implement any kind of video phone customer service, I wouldn't be able to do it. It's also a good thing that I know how expensive the equipment I use at work is, otherwise I probably would have put my fist thru the computer screen and broke my keyboard in half a long time ago. I can handle a lot of crap on the phones but when someone completely disregards the fact that I'm of the same species as themselves, living in the same screwed up country as them, I lose my cool, on the inside of course. Sometimes I picture myself punching the computer screen in my mind...and it helps...is that a bad thing? LOL! :) I may be a super human magician, and a psychic while I'm at work, but one thing I am not willing to be is a verbal punching bag. COME ON PEOPLE! If you are having problems, even if it is our fault, talking to me like you a 10 year brat is NOT going to accomplish anything, not going to help you. Talk to me like you are an adult, and like I'm a person. I promise it is my job to help you, and with the economy the way it is, I definately want to keep my job, so I am definately going to do my very best to get your problems resolved.
Ok, well, I think I'm done ranting for now. Thanks for ummm...listeni....reading! :) Hope everyone had a great day. We miss you all!