This weekend was a busy weekend. Friday night we finally broke down and made a trip to Wal-Mart. Saturday Allen had to work, so I stayed home with Penny in the morning. We went on a walk around the neighborhood. Our next door neighbors were having a garage sale so Penny and I stopped by to say hi, but they were pretty much only selling baby clothes...something Allen and I don't need for a while anyways. Then Mom and Caleb picked me and we went shopping for plants and baseball pants. When I got home I hooked Penny up to her cord outside and got busy sanding and painting things for the living room. It was ALOT harder work than I thought it was going to be, but I got quite a bit accomplished. We have decided against the garden for this year. :( We have at one point in time counted twelve rabbits between our yard and our two neighbors' yard. We are afraid that we will plant something only to have it demolished by hungry rabbits. Mom and Dad have told us if we want to purchase a few plants we can put them in their garden in Missouri, so we are going to do that. On Mother's Day we went and visited my parents , but we were thinking of Brenda, Allen's mom too. We wish we could be everywhere all at once! I helped mom plant the rose plant we bought her for mother's day, helped her plant red onions and picked up grass clumps out of the yard with Dad. Allen spent the day fishing with Josh and Caleb. Then we all headed to Grandma Downing's for dinner. It was really nice to get to see everyone. Grandma and Popop gave us a four seat outdoor table and chair set, which is AWESOME! We REALLY REALLY were wanting something like that! It's so funny because we were just talking about how we needed to get something to eat on outside and then the very next day we have a table and chairs given to us.
We both are really grateful for everything our moms and grandmas have done for us. These ladies are the ladies who have helped us to become the people we are today. We love them very very very much!
Hope everyone else had a great weekend and that this week at work flies by for everyone.
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