Penny says it all right here!

Well, this past weekend was wonderful. It was so nice to see Allen's parents and Matt and Nicole again. We had a great time, but there's just never enough time. Penny loves going too!
We played Apples 2 Apples, which suprisingly is an excellent, entertaining game. Both sides of the family love playing this game!
So, it was back to work on Tuesday, ehh...such is life. We have three months and one week to think about moving, our lease is up on May 1st. We really hate to give up the location, and we're still weighing our pros and cons. If we can't find anything better at a reasonable price we might end up staying. Who knows! We'll keep you updated.
Penny got some jewelry today! :) It's her rabies tag and a collar. She looks sooooo cute! She's a little model isn't she!

Well, that's all for now! Love you all! -Mr. and Mrs. Cooley
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