Thursday, May 24, 2012

Family updates

A very serious conversation between baby and doxie.
Sylvia has been semi-sleeping in her crib.  She has been sleeping in her crib for about 4-5 hours per night this week, which is better than not at all.  The more she gets used to waking up in her own room, the easier it will be for her to stay in her own room longer.  We aren't ditching the swing quite yet, but it is nice to have claim to our room baby free for at least a few hours!

At Allen's work they have announced they are eliminating the running of the sauce room on second shift.  First they announced they were eliminating his position as label inspector, which was bad enough as is because we need him to have a very specific 2nd shift in order to avoid Sylvia's having to go the babysitter's house multiple times a week.  Now, this announcement means that EVERYONE else in Allen's team is also looking to bid into other positions.  It makes the bidding much more competitive and Allen just doesn't have very much pull yet because the bids are won based on seniority.  The good news is, that this is not in any way shape or form a lay off.  Allen's employment is secure, but what he will be doing and when is up in the air.  Please pray for us that he will find a position that will allow us to continue to use minimal child care for Sylvia.  Also, his headaches haven't fully disappeared yet.  They have decreased in frequency, which is good; but having them end would be wonderful. 

I'm still loving my job. What I do is fairly easy and rewarding.  It's rewarding in a much different sense than my prior job. I'm no longer adjusting claims to pay thousands of dollars to a hospital for someone surgery anymore, but seeing a child's eyes light up when I give them a "special" bookmark, or an adult's smile at finding that we have the new book they have been waiting for is rewarding.  Now that the summer reading program has kicked off, I'm getting to interact with many more children and I love it!  I'm also super excited about the opportunity I have on June 8th, to prove my worth as part of library programming and to show the people who hired me what I have to offer besides the ability to check books in and out.  I have been placed in charge of the "Babies and Books" storytime.  I'm being told it's the first time the library has tried something like this, so there is a lot of pressure on me to make sure it's successful. Also,  it's taking some getting used to having coworkers again that I am working with closely.  Before at BCBS, I was in my own little telephone world, in my own little cubicle, just me and that faceless person on the other end of the phone.  Now, I'm interacting with coworkers and patrons at all times during the day. I'm still adjusting.

My little brother Caleb has been coming over for dinner with Sylvia and me after he gets off work this week.  It will be the arrangement for the summer.  He is working in town for park district, so he is staying at Grandma D's during the week and going back home to Mom and Dad's on the weekends.  It's kind of nice to have an incentive to actually do some real cooking.  For the past few weeks, with Sylvia being as attention needy as she is, it has been very difficult to get any substantial cooking done.  So we have been leaning on the convenience foods, which is bad for our health and bad for the pocket book.  With Caleb coming over he can help keep Sylvia pre-occupied for long enough for me to fix a real meal. WONDERFUL! :)