Monday, August 10, 2009

Did you know storks bring more than just babies?

So this weekend was tax free weekend at JC Penney's and Wal-Mart in Hannibal. Picture of Caleb above, is towards the end of the shopping bonanza. I took Caleb back-to-school-shopping for mom (yeah, I know, WHAT WAS I THINKING!). Wal-Mart was a madhouse , so was Penney's but we got some really great deals. I bought three pairs of jeans and two shirts at Penney's for 56 bucks! That's pretty AWESOME! After a super long day of shopping, Allen got off work, and Josh came over to spend the night. We did a tiny bit more shopping for Caleb, all four of us together LOL! Allen, Josh, Caleb, and me...I was definately out numbered. It was a lot of fun though. We ate out at Taco-Bell, played Taboo together and ate junk food all night! Josh and Allen beat me and Caleb. Caleb was WAY off his game. I was trying to get Caleb to say Abraham Lincoln, so my hint was "He freed the slaves..." and Caleb's response was "Oh what was her name?!?" I'm not even kidding that was his answer. Josh got Allen to guess "stork" by saying, "It's a thing at the beach with wings that brings puppies." There were some other pretty good ones too. Then on Sunday of course we went over to Mom and Dad's for dinner. We ate hamburgers with garden fresh tomatoes...mmm mmm good! AND got to meet Josh's new girlfriend Lindsay. She seems like a really nice girl.

In other news, Josh injured himself horseback riding with Lindsay. He has a pretty bad bruise/sprain of his left elbow, but he's gonna be ok.

Tonight we played tennis after we had spaghetti for dinner, but before we went we worked with Penny on learning the "down" command. She does really well with "sit", so I decided I want her to learn "down". We gave her one of our old tennis balls the other day and she LOVES it. We worked with her on it this weekend, but tonight she actually did it all by herself. Now, she only did it once, so she's definately not trained to do it yet, but she is on her way. She's sooo smart!