Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Belated Blog

Well, it's been a week now since we blogged. Sorry for the delay. We've been pretty busy with work and getting in some excercise. We are really going to use our YMCA membership so we've been going swimming just about every other day. We have also been playing tennis before we go swimming. I'm not any good at it, but I REALLY enjoy it. I've never been too excited about any sport, but this one is a lot of fun. No fun at all to watch on TV but a lot of fun to play.

Now for the update:

July 2nd my parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary! :) I'm so blessed and happy to have such wonderful parents that still love eachother now as much as they did when they got married. I would even venture to say that they love eachother more! I've learned alot about love from my parents, and I am eternally grateful for the example they have set. Not only have I learned about love, but in watching my parents I have learned alot about marriage, and how it's hard work, and how much it's worth it!

July 3rd was a day off from work for me, not for Allen. It didn't really seem too much like a day off for me because I spent most of the day running around at the grocery stores and cooking, but it was definately worth it.

The 4th of July was so much fun. This year was definately interesting to say the least! It POURED down rain for the whole first part of the evening. The boys had a heck of a time getting set up to fry the fish; but it all worked out in the end. We ended up having WAY too much food, like always, but it was all sooooo good! I made bean salad for the first time and it was pretty good, but no one really ate any of it...can't say that I blame anyone though with all the rest of the yummy food that was there. We gave Mom and Dad a beautiful bench for their rose garden. They REALLY REALLY loved it. It was great to get to see everyone again. Allen and I camped in mom and dad's yard in a tent, which was kind of wierd, but also kind of fun. Penny sure did like it. She snuggled up right between the two of us. It was cute. I'm sure glad she was under the covers with us because it was unusually chilly overnight. We will post the rest of the pictures from the 4th to photobucket and put up a link here tomorrow.

Sunday we relaxed. We didn't sleep very well in the tent, so we ended up taking a three hour long nap!!!!!! We needed it though.

Then Monday...back to work...bleh...Allen had it off, which was nice for him. We played tennis and went swimming. This whole YMCA membership thing is definately a great thing! :)

Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend and fourth of july. We missed all of our family in Sturgeon. Congratulations to Matt and Nicole, they are settling the final stuff to get their first home together. Someday we will be doing the very same thing. Pray for us that this job market will turn around.

Question of the day: How is it possible for one person to completely turn her back on the people who love her and not look back? If anyone has any answers...I will take them.